"Modern education is premised strongly on materialistic values. It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts, a key element of which has to be the nurturing of our compassionate nature." - Dalai Lama

Week 11

Please share the “Where I am from” poem you wrote in class on Monday.


  1. I am from the bottom of the family tree,
    but among the top of the measurements on the wall.
    I am from a hard-working, middle class family
    whose mother won the bread.
    I am from church on Sunday morning,
    and church again on Sunday night.

    I am from the cemetary,
    a place passed by many, but seen by few.
    I am from the "switch" and the belt.
    I am from hot dog bbq's and cat-fishin'.
    I am from the trees.

    I am from cut-off tee's
    and ice pops at baseball games.
    I am from late night adventures and
    three older brothers.
    I am from abuse and issues,
    but I am free.

    I walk with my head up and my hopes high.
    I work to help others before myself.
    I'm a fixer-upper; an unfinished masterpiece.
    I am always changing, but I am me.

    - Jill Thompson, 10/31/12.

  2. I am from the middle of the line,
    but always prevailing to the top of accomplishments.
    I am from a single mom,
    five hundred miles aways from all other family.
    I am from dinner on our floor,
    and reading alone in my room.

    I am from bright lights and action,
    but residing with calm and small.
    I am from lonliness and sorrow,
    which drives me to crave attention from outsiders.
    I am from being proud of my achievements,
    and helping others accomplish their dreams.

    I am from two sisters and a small house,
    wishing my mom would come home.
    I am from saddness,
    wishing it could be all of us as a family again.
    I am from stress and choas,
    but I hold my held high.

    I am from self-confidence,
    only pushed my my past experiences.
    I am from being independent,
    wanting things my own way.
    I am me, and that is who I will always be.

    -Jessi Marso, 10/31/12

  3. I am from hard work and diligence,
    From 'yes ma’am' and 'no sir.'
    I am from God-fearing manners and
    From spankings with a wooden spoon.

    I am from a field on an abandoned farm,
    From slimy fish wriggling on the line.
    I am from sledding in a wheelbarrow
    From mattress surfing and pillow fights.

    I am from cheesy romantic movies
    From hilarious stand-up routines.
    I am from sister stare-downs and
    From witty-comeback wars.

    I am from unspoken words
    From the library shelf.
    I am from letters on a page,
    From hopes of understanding and love.

    I am from family comes first
    From not jeopardizing education.
    I am from ‘no dessert if you don’t eat your peas’
    From never miss an opportunity to help.

    I am from endless support
    From 'you're going far, kid'.
    I am from lost causes
    That just might be revived.

    I am from never backing down
    From knowing who you are.
    I am from good, strong people
    Who live even stronger beliefs.

    I am from the endless tears
    And the constant worries.
    I know that it's all up to me
    To gain the happiness I strive for every day.

    1. At least you know...a lot of people hide from their problems and from the things that they don't want to (but should) do!

      Thanks for the post!

  4. I am from the middle of the chain
    But I know how to be at the top
    It all starts off with accomplishments

    I am from a split family
    Dont know how it would all work out
    But in the end it all falls back together

    I am from a family that will always comes first
    Under any circumstance there will be downfalls
    We have to come together and work it all out
    I come from a family that will always have my back

    I am from a family of dark and bright colors
    Some sad some happy
    I am from parents that didnt end up working out
    He didnt do his job and made us fall apart

    I am a twin and we are the only children
    We are close and will always be
    We come from alot of fun and laughter

    I am a leader
    I am very independent
    I will always be myself and wont change for anyone
    That is who I am, and alaways will be

  5. I come from the mistakes
    of two people,
    from a birth mother
    who was generous enough
    to carry me to full term,
    for which I am very grateful.
    I come from adoption:
    the world's worst
    identity crisis.

    I come from an idyllic childhood,
    marred only by incapacitating anxiety,
    where my brother and I
    ruled the world.
    We were untouchable.

    I come from Pixar movies,
    especially Toy Story.
    I would constantly attempt
    to sneak up on my toys,
    convinced they came alive
    when my back was turned.

    I come from the sports
    I played with my brother,
    where I was one of the boys.
    I come from the
    jubilant cry of 'snow day!',
    from hot chocolate and snow men.

    I come from the heartbreak
    of turning eleven,
    my fingers desperately scraping
    the back of the mailbox,
    willing it to surrender
    my Hogwarts acceptance letter.

    I come from the realization
    that parents are not Gods,
    no matter how high we place them
    on our childhood pedestals.

    I come from the wet noses
    and furry tails
    of my puppies,
    who I love more
    than nearly everyone.

    I come from a myriad of experiences,
    and I won't pretend
    that I can connect the dots
    my life has made
    and know which direction
    they will point me in.

    1. Wow, I literally laughed out loud at the Toy Story reference! I always thought my toys played tricks on me too. Ha. That was awesome. Thanks for posting!

  6. I am from the middle of a bunch
    But I have worked my way to the top
    Hard work, dedication, drive is what I have.

    I am from a tight nit family
    Things didn't always work out, but we did.
    Nothing will ever break us apart. Family strong.

    I am from a family of hardships
    A family that knows what it feels like to work
    A family that wishes for a little break from God
    That needs a prayer or two sometimes.

    I am from church on Sunday morning or Saturday night
    Sunday dinners at grandmas and Notre Dame football games.
    I am from games of Spudd and four square
    A little competitiveness can never hurt.

    I am from watermelon on Fourth of July
    Climbing trees, and running around with the boys.
    Sports galore, no barbies for this girl.
    Innocent childhood, but growing up too fast

    I am from falling in love in high school.
    Long distance relationships, and trusting one person.
    Giving someone my heart and hoping they won't break it
    Keeping to myself and letting no one know my feelings except one.

    I am from innocence, silence, and to myself.
    I am from hard working and dedication.
    I got to where I am by myself and no one will take that away
    I am from love and one magnificent, supportive family.

    1. This is definitely you! Don't be afraid to be more open, though! You have such a great story to tell; I'm sure we would all like to hear it :)


  7. Where I’m from
    I am from a single mother.
    A mother trying to raise a baby on her own
    And having cerebral palsy,
    She did it.
    I am from a small apartment
    and the world in my hands
    and imagination.

    I am from fish sticks and mac & cheese.
    The simple things made me happy.
    I am from my Barbie jeep and Disney princess’s
    And that little white dress.

    I am from a chaotic family,
    But we always stick together.
    These people will always come first
    I am from ‘respect your elders’
    ‘And do what your told.’
    I am from a support system
    Out of this world.

    I am from imperfection.
    Trying to make everything
    Seem easy.
    I am from keeping my head high
    And my worries low.
    I am from disguise,
    Wearing a smile like it’s an outfit

    I am from first generation,
    And trying to make a life for myself
    I am from setting the bar high,
    And being proud of my self.

    I am from the hurt.
    The one person I had let me down
    My best friend picked me up,
    I am from issues and alcoholism
    That changed my life.

    I am from the country.
    Where we go fishin’ in the dark,
    Bbq’s, bonfires and summertime
    Is comfort. I can’t forget the
    County fair, & BLUEGOOSE <3

    I am from love.
    Forgivness; everyone gets
    A second chance.
    I am from attitude.
    But I don’t have it.
    I am the outsider,
    Wondering where I belong.

    I am from positivity
    And knowing there is a brighter
    Side to everything, we just have to find it.

    -Shanae Terry

    1. Girl, that was exactly what we were looking for! Good job and thanks for sharing! :)

  8. I am from a middle-upper class,
    I am from a strong working mom,
    Where love is all that matters.

    I am from a very close family,
    Like a team working together,
    I come from support and hughes.
    I am from the "words you can do it"

    I am from some hard moments,
    where we are strong to overcome sadness.
    I am from a place where family
    is the greatest thing.

    Friends are family to me,
    I don´t like double face people,
    Where respect, loyalty and support,
    are the most important things.

    I believe in future,
    Strenght and dedication leads success,
    I am from vision

    I am from respect,
    Where women are sacred,
    I am from a medium town,
    where family weekends are all
    that matters.

    I am from trust,
    where I´ll be there for
    my love ones.

    1. I love the line, "I am from vision," and the one about women being sacred! ;)

      Thanks for the post, Inaki!

  9. I am from a traveling family
    I am from walking with my friends at night
    I am from the hopes I have for the future

    I am from the skills that I like to improve
    I am from the things I don't know how to do
    I am from somewhere I have never been before

    I am from the languages that I have learned
    I am from the people who I have helped
    I am from the people who have helped me

    The support I have received from my family
    is the thing I feel that has affected me the most
    I am from the age of computers
    where we find that even the impossible
    just might be possible

    1. Is there really such a thing as the "impossible?" We shall never know....or shall we? :)

      Thanks, Andrew!

  10. I'm from the flood waters of the Mississippi
    to a house we were never suppose to stay in
    while the mother stayed home the father went to work
    for days on end the father would be gone
    and even when home he was still at work

    many kids came in and out of the house
    babysitting became a job for the whole family
    like having a sibling of my own
    since my sister couldn't complete a sentence

    finding new friends became a hobby
    surronding myself with friends
    but at home I was by myself
    not even imaginary friends existed there

    Rarely in the house
    my life took place on the hills
    Forts and castles were made
    running and jumping all day
    but the house would keep calling me back

    Without my mother
    I would have been a different person
    more secluded, less friendly
    a tired soul

    When his work would stop
    church would start
    trends started to set in

    Making sure everyone knew little about my life
    I made sure people were happy
    my home is depressing
    I make sure you don't have to see it

    I may have been born alone
    but if everyone loves me
    I'll never be lonely

    1. Thanks for posting, Ryan. It was deep, and enlightening.

  11. I am from a working father
    And a stay at home mom.
    From an older brother
    And two beautiful sisters.

    I am from bunk beds
    From Rugrats and Junie B. Jones
    I am from adventures
    Imagination and big ideas.

    I am from carpools
    From bicyles and rollar blades.
    I am from soccer and tennis
    Since 7 years old.

    I am from "shoes off in the house"
    and "please" and "thank yous"
    I am from homemade cooking every night
    and "eat all you vegetables"

    I am from alcohol and cigarettes
    but "don't tell people I smoke"
    I am from gambling and risk
    From "Good Luck"

    I am like my father
    with my mothers looks.
    I am from learning from experiences
    And laughing as much as possible.

    I am from Missouri
    Lake St. Louis
    A private community
    with a lot of secrets.

    1. Way to end it off with a mystery!! That's just like you, huh? haha. Thanks for posting, Liz!

  12. I am from a single mom
    a single dad
    and two sisters who are
    very different from me.

    I am from spankings
    and noses in the corner,
    and when your middle name
    is said you're in deep trouble.

    I am from lots of cousins
    and lots of family gatherings
    Homemade everything and
    grandmas secrets in the kitchen.

    I am from a Memaw
    and from a Papa.
    Church on Sundays
    and cartoons on Saturdays.

    I am from a small town
    with lots of support,
    yet lots of backstabbing
    and chaos.

    I am from Paddington the bear,
    Pooh and his friends,
    From overalls, skorts,
    and lets not forget pigtales.

    I have from two completely different familys.
    One more broken than the other.
    I am from addictions and neglect.
    But it is what I am from.

    1. You definitely had a different life than I did.. I can't even begin to comprehend how hard it would be to grow up with split families.. Live and learn, right?

      Thanks for the post, Kelly!

  13. I am from non-traditional
    That is becoming more conventional
    A working mother who is never home
    And an aunt who taught me everything

    I am from city and country both
    From open lakes to busy one way streets
    With trees being replaced by neighbors
    And removing the sense of privacy

    I am from dedication
    From picking something and sticking with it
    Eleven years of practice never ending in my heart
    And passing on my gift to the next ones

    I am from education
    Being controlled by perfection
    Always have to over achieve
    Never allowed to make mistakes

    I am from a large extended family
    But never really fitting in
    From having to stay strong for others benefit
    And never getting to let go inside

    I am from an empty home
    No siblings or father to look up to
    I am from discovering my own way
    I am from pretending everything is okay
