"Modern education is premised strongly on materialistic values. It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts, a key element of which has to be the nurturing of our compassionate nature." - Dalai Lama

Week 6

What did you learn from the faculty interview you conducted for Wild Life Challenge #1 that surprised you?


  1. Through the process of interviewing my professor I learned that college is a special experience designed to challenge you and give you the tools you need to succeed in life. It is not a place where students are trained for their future jobs or a place to party until they find out what they want to do with their lives. Students are expected to go to class and actively participate in class discussions daily. I was surprised to learn that students are expected to spend 3-4 hours studying outside of class, but I plan to organize my time in a professional manner so that I can complete all of my assignments and be the best student I can be.

  2. I learned that what teachers expect out of us are a lot similar to what we expect out of them. They put forth a lot of time and effort into our classes and they expect us to do that same. They want to get to know us and they want us to succeed. To them we are not just another number, well for most of the teachers at least. They want our respect and our attention. They also would prefer us to be on time or we are just wasting their time and ours.

  3. I was surprised that my professor actually wasn't a local police officer before becoming a professor. I was also surprised that he didn't go to college planning on becoming a professor, that just happened along the way. I did reaalize that they really care about us and our grades and if we don't care back they can't help us.

  4. I learned many surprising things in my interview. I know that college is a unique opportunity because not everyone is given the chance to experience college so you should take advantage of your time spent here, but I was surprised to hear that experimenting new things is encouraged. I think it is really cool that instructors and advisers suggest taking classes that are outside of your major. Taking a class of self-interest could either be life changing or a waste of a time, depends how you look upon it. I thought it was surprising because so much money is spent for going to college, why waste money on something your not sure about? Another thing I learned from my instructor was to meet new people from different cultures. College is different from High School in many ways but one difference that my instructor pointed out was that in High School, you go to school with the same people you've grown up with your whole life. College is filled with people from various countries and ages. Meeting new people, especially from other countries, could result in: long lasting relationships, better communication skills, a different perspective of the world, or even becoming better educated about different cultures. The last thing that surprised me was that my instructor had spent three years in school before changing his major to what it is now. I was surprised by that because my instructor is a really good teacher and it would of been a waste of a skill if he had become something of a different profession.
    Overall, I learned that instructors and advisers do not expect success out of everything you do which means that you should not either. College is a chance to find out what it is you want to do with your life. Experimenting new things, meeting new people, and making mistakes every once in a while is just as important in college as getting an education.

  5. I learned many interesting things during my Wild Life Challenge interview. I found out that my professor actually received a degree in Industrial and Labor Relations first, and worked as a Union organizor. I can't really picture her to do that work, and I think she fits into the field of teaching much more. I also learned she was in a punk-rock band in college, which was really surprising and cool!
    One of the most important things I learned was to always find balance. She told me that during college, she would work hard, but then she would play hard. She said finding something to center you every day/week is crucial to your success in the long run. Finding a balance is something I know I'm going to have to strive to do.
    Overall, the interview was a very interesting and surprise-filled experience.

  6. I learned a lot from my Wild Life Challenge interview with Dr. Weston. Dr. Weston is an education professor; therefore she was a good match for me. I really enjoyed the interview because not only is she a lot like me, and a lot like the college student that I now am becoming, she is also a great tool for my field. I learned that you will only go as far as you let yourself go in life. By this I mean you can get a lot out of a little. Dr. Weston got her degree in Mathematics at Stephens College, and had no idea what she wanted to do with it. She then became a middle school math teacher, which lead her to many different career paths from there, all the way to being a college professor, and department chair in the education field.
    The most important thing I learned from Dr. Weston however was that you have to set times. Not only set times, but you have to stick to them. Time management is the key to success in college. She proceeded to tell me a few of her experiences, but for the most part, she just told me that everyone's time management is going to be different, you really just have to take control of your life, and figure out what is going to work best for you. Success is what you work for in life, and this is the best time of your life to figure out how to make success happen. Overall, it was a very inspiring interview, and I took so many things from Dr. Weston.

  7. I learned a lot of useful information in Wild Life Challenge 1. It was good talking to an instructor to see what they expect in students. It was interesting to learn what teachers did outside of class. the thing that surprised me the most was my business teacher Dr. Ireland was that he didn't major in business but has his Phd in french. That was surprising because you would think your teacher studied in what they bought but it is the opposite.

  8. I learned many things from the Wild life Challenge. Teachers are similar to normal people. I also learned that the instructors have worked just as hard as they want their students too. None of the responses from Dr. Wright surprised me. I can tell that she is passionate about her job, and what she does. So I expected her to garden and be involved with gardening and wilderness things.

  9. I didn't learn much that surprised me except one thing. Mrs. Shaw stressed the importance of balancing work with play. True, this is college and it's very costly, but it shouldn't be solely work. It's okay to have some fun or down-time. I guess it's true that "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but all play and no work makes Jack a mere toy." College is a balancing act.

  10. I learned that teachers sometimes just want to teach. When Dr. Metscher told me that she hated teaching junior high, it kind of surprised me. She said she hated it, and just wanted to teach and not deal with disipline. And obviously you rarely have to deal with discipline in a college class.

  11. There was't much that surprised me. I had expected to learn things about the professor that I interviewed that I had not known prior; which is what I had experienced during the interview. But, it wasn't boring though. I enjoyed getting to know my professor a little more.

  12. The first Wild Life Challenge was a fun experience for me. It was nice getting to know my psychology professor on a more personal level. It really opened my mind and helped me see that my professors are normal people, too. Interviewing my professor gave me a new insight on college. I learned about her many odd jobs that she had while going through school, and some of the mistakes she made that she advised me to avoid. It was nice talking to someone who has been in my position before.

    She helped me understand that even after you have multiple curve balls and challenges thrown your way, you can still always get where you want to be. Her biggest piece of advice was to stay passionate. Go for whatever you want, and persevere through the rough patches. Not everything will be smooth sailing, but it will be worth it in the end. This will be something I can reflect on whenever I'm struggling in the future, and I'm glad this assignment gave me more than I was expecting going into it originally .

  13. During my interview with Professor Alioto, I learned a few things. I would have never expected how hard of a life he has lived. He has worked his tail off to get where he is today.

    When he was younger, he got drafted into the army to go serve in vietnam. Although he never talks about it too much, you can tell that he has a distaste for the military and his expirences were anything but pleasant. He has worked a few factory jobs, which are rough in themselves. He know what its like to come from the working class, he is very down to earth in his own unique way,
    and i have great respect for that.

  14. The thing that surprised me the most about the interview that I had with Dr. Liow was that he has an outlook on life much similar to me, only a little more mature and advanced. Even though we don't have the same background or the same ideas, we have common interests. Actually, the common interests didn't surprise me much, because he is a teacher in my field of study.

    I was surprised to find out that he had a Bachelor's Degree in Physics, and that he had 2 masters and a Ph.D. His knowledge of math is not from memorizing formulas, but understanding what the formulas do. He see things in a different way than what we are used to.

  15. During my wildlife challenged I learned a lot about my professor. It gave me a positive outlook on life. I learned a lot about my teacher and are common interest we share as well. It was beat now and my professors background and previous jobs. It showed me that you do not always go down the right path the first time. He had 6 or 7 different jobs before becoming a professor.

    During the time he was in scholl he hated it but yet he wanted to help the community and wanted to make class more fun. I really liked this about him because he wanted to make others experience better than his own

  16. I learned a couple of things from my teacher that I had interveiwed! I learned that most teachers have a life outside of teaching, and that teachers make mistakes to, and have time managment issues also. Most teachers are always on their students about deadlines, and always being on time to classes, well teachers have those problems to. Another thing I learned was that my teacher has not been a teacher all of her life. She has a couple of jobs before teaching that she knew wouldnt last very long or at least she knew that she wouldnt want to do the rest of her life.
    The last thing that suprised me was that she understands that college kids not only have school to worry about, but also having jobs, sports, and a social life on top of everything else. I think that this wildlife challenge a good way to get to know one of our professors.

  17. From my wild-life challenge I learned a few things about my teacher and a little about what i need to do with my life. I interviewed my math professor and learned from her that she is a normal person just like us. She watches the same T.V. shows as us and she even likes to do some of the same things we do such as read. She went to school for a long time and shared some of the struggles that we all go through. She may be a math professor but she still knows a little about all of the majors.
    She told me where I should go with my major (biology) and gave me some references on who to go to with it. I learned that a lot of her other students are going through the same things I am. Last I learned that no matter how long it takes you should go after the things you enjoy and work at a place that makes you happy.

  18. I learned that teachers are not very strict, and that they are here to help us, instead of making things dificult for us. I also find out that she is teaching us because she loves to do it, instead of doing it just for money. And finally I could get closer to my teacher and know a little bit more of her.

  19. The thing that definitely surprised me most was how much my teacher(s) wanted me to succeed. Hearing that he wanted to help me get the best grade possible yet the one I deserved was really great. He told me that with any paper of assignment for his class I could take it in a day or two before it's due and he would go over it and help me correct certain errors before actually handing it in. That really made me feel like he cared not only about my grade but my success in general at Columbia College. My teacher is always asking me how soccer is going and making sure I am understanding everything in the class. That's the relationship that I didn't expect to have with any of my professors when I came to college.
