"Modern education is premised strongly on materialistic values. It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts, a key element of which has to be the nurturing of our compassionate nature." - Dalai Lama

Week 8

What are you getting from your general education courses?  What are you going to do with this knowledge?


  1. My general education courses actually are helping in deciding if I like the major I picked and if not what other major I would like. Hopefully this knowledge will lead me in the direction of my future and make me realize that business is what I really want. They are the building blocks of our major and hopefully they will make me successful in that path.

    1. That's great! I'm glad you're figuring it out! :) Just remember that you have a lifetime of learning, so don't rush into anything too quickly. Let it soak in for a little bit and make sure that's what you really wanna do!

  2. My general education course are helping a lot. Its good to have a review of the little things like english and math so when you get more into your major you are ready to take on bigger and harder classes. With my knowledge i am going to obtain a degree in hopefully something i enjoy. I am hoping that my general education courses will be able to help me along the way.

  3. Glenna Sallee

    I am gaining much from my general education courses. Primarily English.

    I've always hated writing papers (and still do) and in the class that I take I will be required to write four papers. The first I was not at all proud of; but that shows where I need improvement. So I plan to fix mistakes with the knowledge I've gained so that I do not repeat them in the future. After learning to go in depth with information that I am given (and put on a written document)I see where I am making common errors that can be edited.

    1. I'm glad you're learning from your mistakes, Glenna! You would not believe how many people in the evening campus (who are much older than you and I) are still making SIMPLE grammar errors. It's hard to be taken seriously when you cannot communicate effectively or professionally. -- Remember that when you're writing your resume, cover letter, and filling out job applications!

  4. My general education courses are helping me alot. They are helping me decide what my major is going to be, and also helping me understand the basics of these classes. Most of the general classes are really basic but one of my psychology classes is very challenging so I know not to take the class above that one because I dont want to fall behind and lower my GPA. These classes are definetly helping me with finding a right pathway to success.

  5. My general edcation courses are helping me quite a bit. They are helping me gain new knowledge, helping me decide if my major is perfect for me and they are also showing my strengths and weaknesses. What will I do with this knowledge? I will take this knowledge with me and better myself. I can only improve and thats what I shall do. I might hate it know, but It will help in the long run.

  6. I do not like the general education classes. I feel them to be unnecessary for my major, which is History. I thought high school was there to get the general education classes out of the way. College should just be classes that you need to obtain your degree. Which for me do not include Math, English, or Computers. I would much rather use the time that I'm in those classes to learn more about History, which in the long run would benefit me in reaching my degree and career that I choose.

    1. Remember what the speaker said on Monday? Columbia College is all about giving you a VERY well-rounded education, which includes all of those "silly" gen-eds.

      A lot of people who think they're past the point of learning "the basics" end up going to a technical college where they can focus on their specific degree. Unfortunately for you, History doesn't offer this, so you'll have to suffer through it all, unless you can test out of them! Sorry dude! That's college for ya! ;)

  7. I like my general education courses. Although, sometimes I feel like they are pointless, they can be very interesting and good to have some kind of knowledge about. Also, these courses remind me how much I love the degree I chose.
    These courses have also taught me different teaching tactics. All of my teachers have different methods of teaching and I think that is beneficial. Different methods let me know which ones I prefer and then I can use that to study for my other classes.
    Also, I believe there are many things in the world that are not only important but very cool and interesting, that people do not always realize. For example, my sister got married in a catholic church and if it wasn't for my music appreciation class, I would not have been able to recognize and name some of the songs being played. That is not knowledge that is needed in everyday life, or for my degree, but knowing it gives credit and more meaning to the song.
    With this knowledge, I plan to put it toward my future. My degree and future career may or may not ever have anything to do with my general education courses but it is better to be prepared knowing more, then knowing less just because you thought that you wouldn't need it.

  8. My general education courses are helping me to gain knowledge about different aspects of Spanish, computers, business, and history. Though this information may not be critical to know for the field I end up working in, it could be useful for a variety of situations in everyday life. For example, I may need to use the skills I’m learning in Spanish class now to converse with someone next summer when I go to Mexico. Also, because the technology industry is always changing it is very important to be informed of the most updated versions of computers so that I can keep up with the world around me. Business is going to be a part of almost anything I end up doing in life so it’s essential that I at least know the basics of how companies operate. Finally, history is something we can all look to in order to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them.

    Because I have not yet decided on a major I am relying on my general education courses to get me started in college. Hopefully they can help me figure out what it is I want to do with my life. So far they have succeeded only in my discovery of what I do not want to do, but I’m confident that something will spark my interest soon.

  9. My general education courses are help me to gain alot of knowledge but to also review many things i have all ready learned. Howver some of my classes seem useful right now but i am trying to buckle down and work hard to get something out of each and every one of them.

    My major is Criminal Justice so most of my classes have some kind of corrilation to that so i am really trying to review my notes and keep everything i learn fresh on my mind.

  10. My general education courses are helping me out quite a bit. Most of the time I feel like I’m just wasting my time, but when I look at the bigger picture I see otherwise. These courses are teaching me basic skills that I will need once I move into upper-level courses. I might think that writing an essay over a “stupid poem” is just an assignment that my professor gives to make students hate him, but really it is teaching me to analyze information and think critically.
    This information will help my in my future. Knowing and improving on these basic skills will help me succeed and do well when I get into courses specific to my major. Without them, I would fall behind, and then my grades and GPA would suffer. I like to think of my general education courses as my training wheels. They help keep me stable as I am adjusting to the college experience.

    1. Glad to see you're looking at the bigger picture! That's what we want to see!!! :)

  11. My General Education courses are definitely throwing me for a loop. My geography class is to put it nicely, something I never expected it to be. I definitely thought that geography was places, but it is much more. This course has shown me that college isn't everything you expect it to be, to expect the unexpected. However, on the flip side I have found a new passion for learning World History, because my professor is so passionate about it. When you find a professor like this, it definitely opens your eyes and lets you know that the opportunities for your future, especially at as a college freshman, are endless, and you will never know where you will end up.

    With all of that, the courses are fun, interesting, and definitely keeping me on my toes. Each class is showing me different studying habits, different note taking methods, and different time management skills. Although at this particular time, it seems as if there is no point to taking "Intro to Geography" if I am going to be a high school special education teacher, I know I will look back one day and be able to understand the reasons.

  12. I really like my General Ed. classes because they are opening my eyes to other things other than just Criminal Justice. Like I am actually considering minoring in Speech now because of my speech class. It will all help me one day with my career.

  13. Some of my General Education courses I took through high school, and they helped me prepare for the swing of college. I know I would have been way worse off had I not taken dual-credit in high school to give me a glimpse of what is expected of a college student and such.
    Here, my Gen Eds have primarily helped me with my academic planning and things that are basic for surviving college. Getting that foundation I know will help me later on. My CISS course is almost exactly like the Computer Applications class I had to have in high school, but it is much more beneficial to me now because it is showing me things that I will actually need to know for writing my papers and creating a bibliography, etc.
    I find myself being pessimistic about my Gen Eds, and thinking that there is no point to them, but there really is. They have helped me not only figure out the best ways for studying, how professors think, but also what I need to do as a student to make sure I succeed in all my courses. My Gen Eds have definitely helped me find my niche within all of my classes.

  14. I have already finished most of my general education courses. I think that the general education courses are a really good thing. Even if you don't know what you are wanting to do, the General education courses will allow you to see more of a variety, and allow you to explore new things until you find something that you find very interesting. When we take general education courses, we hate it, especially because often, we will find courses that we don't like.

    I think that the general education courses are good though, because the brain is a "muscle", composed of a bunch of other "muscles" just like our body. It isn't exactly the same, but it is better for people who are building strength to exercise many muscles in their body, rather than just one or two. Same goes with the knowledge and skills in your brain. Actually, the can affect each other, and it makes it easy for you to learn in the subject that you find a bit more interesting. At least, this is how I feel.

  15. Besides a good grade, I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to get out of my general education courses. I guess I'm supposed to be a more well-rounded individual, or something along those lines. I still need to take the speech class. It would help me improve my social skills, and how to present information in an effective way.
    I guess I'll use the knowledge I've gained, and will gain, from my general education courses in the same way that I use other knowledge. If something relevant in regards to anything I'll learn through my general education classes is brought up in a conversation I'll be able to talk about it confidently with others. Being knowledgeable in many different areas is a good attribute.

  16. I think some general education courses are really good, because they help me in things like writting essays and remember things about math that could help me for my following major major courses. But I also think that there are too many general courses, and I would like to start studying more courses of my major instead of reviewing thing I´ve already seen in high school.Genereal courses should be reduced at least to half.

  17. My general education courses consist of English I and College Algebra. I am learning a few good things from both classes. In english I am learning some good grammar tips and helping strengthen my core vocabulary and writing abilities. In college algebra I am learning some new processes that can be used in real world situations such as converting different countries concurrency's into US Dollars. Otherwise most of what I have learned is basic High school math and english. It is not a big deal since I am pretty good at these subjects, namely math.

  18. General education course are needed for the level of learning I hope to achieve. I have Math170, Speech, and psychology. I am learning solid foundations for other course in these classes. All of my general education course will make me a well rounded person.

    With my new found wisdom I can do tons of things. I will better prepare for future class. I will now be able to not seem like I got my education from a tech school. I can use this to get a better job.

  19. I thought that I was dead set on my major coming into college. That is now being reconsidered because of my general education classes. Psychology was something that I was excited and interested in learning more about throughout college that is why I chose is as my major. This fall I was put in both Intro to Psychology and General Sociology. Being in Sociology really changed my prospective on both classes. I found my self more and more interested into in that class and less interest in Psychology. General education classes are used for exactly what they are called general education. I am eager to see how many times I reconsider my major. We will see. :)
